PCCI, The Voice of Philippine Business.

PCCI is the voice of Philippine business recognized by government and international institutions.

What We Do

Serving Communities, Building Futures – Our Commitment to Social Upliftment.

Advocacy and Representation

PCCI NCR represents the interests of the business community in policy discussions with the government. It actively lobbies for favorable legislation and policies that promote a more business-friendly environment in the Philippines.

Business Matching and Networking

PCCI NCR facilitates business matching services, connecting local businesses with potential partners, suppliers, and clients both locally and internationally. Regular networking events, trade missions, and business forums provide opportunities to forge valuable connections.

Trade & Investment Promotion

PCCI NCR promotes trade and investment opportunities through participation in local and international trade fairs, exhibitions, and business missions. It also provides support for businesses looking to explore new markets or expand their operations.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

PCC NCR engages in various CSR initiatives and encourages its members to participate in community development programs. The chamber provides guidance and opportunities for businesses to contribute to social causes and enhance their corporate image.


Networking Opportunities

Access to a vast network of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals across the country

Educational Resources

Seminars, workshops, and training programs designed to enhance business knowledge, skills, and competitiveness, helping members stay ahead of industry trends and developments.

Market Expansion

Explore opportunities to expand your market both locally and internationally through PCCI NCR ’s trade missions, business matching activities, and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.

Government Support Leverage

Strong connections with government agencies to gain easier access to government support programs, incentives, and resources that can aid in your business’s growth and development.

Our Goal

We Value Sustainability, Ethics and Community

At PCC NCR we envision a world where everyone has access to sustainable and eco friendly products and services. We believe that small changes can make big impact, and we are committed to making these new technological changes accessible to anyone.
At PCCI NCR as a pro active catalyst of development. PPCI promotes and support the drive for globally competitive Philippine enterprises in partnership with government, local chambers, and other business organizations.
AT PCCI NCR , we value sustainability, ethics and community. We believe in treating everyone in the enterprise ecosystem, entrepreneurs, business owners, customers, employees and suppliers with respect and fairness. We are committed in reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices and all.
Our Values

Where Business Meets Purpose. Driving Advocacy for a Better Tomorrow."

Join Us and Be Part of a Thriving Business Community with PCCI NCR. Together, We Drive Success and Shape the Future.”

Our Partners and Sponsors for the 2024 MMBC "Integrating Trade, Technology & Tourism" for Sustainable Economic Tranformation.

PCCI-NCR / Affiliates / Supporters

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